Boot to Terminal - Force prompt in 1st line

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Boot to Terminal - Force prompt in 1st line

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I am working on a RaspberryPi operated TV. I am on a Model 3b+ and I am running the April 4th 2022 release of 32-Bit Raspberry Pi OS with desktop.
What I want to achieve is to remove all boot text and login messages and boot directly to terminal as user pi.
I know that there are a ton of guides on this and I almost achieved what I wanted.
I give you a quick rundown of what I did so far:
  1. In the raspy-config I selected Boot to terminal and auto login as user pi
  2. I followed this ... -boot-text guide to remove all of the boot messages
    1. To /boot/cmdline.txt I added:
      1. logo.nologo
      2. console=tty3
      3. loglevel=3
      4. plymouth.enable=0
    2. Since I need the cursor I did not add vt.global_cursor_default=0 which is suggested by the guide above
  3. To the /boot/config.txt I added disable_splash=1 to get rid of the rainbow splash
  4. I ran touch ~/.hushlogin to hide the login text
  5. I edited /etc/systemd/system/[email="autologin@.service"]autologin@.service[/email] to hide the auto login text for user pi
    1. I changed ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin pi --noclear %I $TERM
    2. to ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --skip-login --noclear --noissue --login-options "-f pi" %I $TERM
  6. Lastly I commented out all contents of /etc/profile.d/ and /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/ to get rid of the password warning when ssh is enabled
Doing all of this almost got me to where I want to be. Upon boot the screen is entirely blank. The only thing that appears is the prompt pi@raspberrypi:~$
So far so good.
The odd thing is that the prompt pi@raspberrypi:~$ is in the third line of the terminal screen and not in the very first line. In other words there are two blank lines and then in the third there is the prompt.
When I enter clear the screen clears and the prompt is really in the first line as expected.
Does anyone have an idea why my pormpt pi@raspberrypi:~$ currently appears in the third line upon boot and not in the first like after entering clear?
I know it is just aesthetics but I am genuinely curious.

submitted by /u/hotlovergirl69
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