Raspberry Pi cooling and analog i/o

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Raspberry Pi cooling and analog i/o

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I'm assembling a Raspberry Pi 4 B into a synthesizer. It will be using PlugData to do synthesis. It's a little resource intensive, so I intend to overclock it and use a car amp case as a heat sink.
As I've been chewing on the various practical questions, it's dawned on me that a lot of them have probably been answered, but I don't see any super clear resolutions on the sub or elsewhere, so:
  1. There are three chips to cool. I can run a flat heat pipe across them, then into the case. However, two of the chips seem to be something like .9mm high, which the processor itself is about 2mm. Is there an existing heat sink that covers them, then allows a heat pipe to attach to the top? Does it all come out in the wash if I use heat sink silicone tape?
  2. I want to use control voltage to communicate i/o with the synthesizer. This requires some level shifting down to 0:3.3V from ±5V, then it requires an ADC in one direction and a DAC in the other that has the converse op amp circuit from 0:3.3V to ±5V. I'm confident I'm not the first person to try this. Is there a known HAT or other solution? I'm liable to want the onboard audio for stereo audio output, so I can't just hijack those. I need more outputs, perhaps 5 or so. I have various little DAC/ADC breakouts, but I suspect someone else has already done this better than my fumblery.
Thank you!

submitted by /u/JoshuaACNewman
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