I'm finally moving my PSC and putting PE/RA/ES on it and I just have a few questions.

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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I'm finally moving my PSC and putting PE/RA/ES on it and I just have a few questions.

Post by /psxclassic »

Like the title says I'm in the process of moving my classic with Project Eris and the other stuff but I was curious about a few things.
1: What systems is the PSC not able to emulate? I know RA has a ton of cores but obviously the PSC isn't powerful enough to run them all. So I'm assuming anything from DS back (timewise) is good? No GameCube or PS2 but anything older should be no problem right?
2: How is DS emulation handled? Emulating a touch screen device with a joystick seems like it wouldn't work. How do they get around the whole touching the screen part?
3: Can you use any controller? I mainly want to play N64 games but that's that's no go using the default controller since there's no analog stick. I have a Rock Candy USB controller for my Switch. If I plug it in and map the keys through RA will it work?
Edit: That should say modding not moving lol. Stupid autocorrect.

submitted by /u/JesseB342
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