Using a Raspberry Pi to Kill and Limit a Go Kart

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Using a Raspberry Pi to Kill and Limit a Go Kart

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Greetings all!
My friends and I are attempting to make bootleg version of real life mario kart, and I am attempting to make some sort of power up system for the karts.
The plan is to limit the power of a cart (say it can go 35 mph, it starts off at 20), then with a random power up it'll either release the limit on your cart or kill someone else's for a short time.
After asking around on other subs, someone suggested using a raspberry pi to limit the amount of power to the motor with an actuator, but I have some questions:
  1. Would this even work, or will the actuator break. Example, say the actuator limits power to 2500 rpm, but we send a signal to the pi to release or what have you, for 10 seconds. After those 10 seconds, when the actuator tries to slow the cart down again, will it just break?
  2. Using that same logic, if it works, can use the pi to either kill or way slow down the cart? Basically the same concept, but in reverse?
  3. I want to use a laptop (or another pi) to send a random option to a phone and allow someone to select what cart is being effected. So a random image appears in an app, the user presses it, the phone sends a signal to the main laptop, then to the pi on the cart selected, effecting the cart in one or two ways above.
Is any of this even possible? We haven't decided on electric or gas motor yet, but if electric is easier, we will definitely go with that.
Thanks for any and all help!

submitted by /u/Alone_Housing_4129
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