[Question] How to create a home VPN on a Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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[Question] How to create a home VPN on a Pi?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

So I have a server at home I only want to be able to access via a VPN in to my home network. I currently setup pivpn which gets me in but there are a couple issues.
  1. If I have two VPN sessions open, one will break.
  2. I get a DNS error on connect and if I am connected to the VPN I cannot use the internet, however I can use the internet on the server on my network if I Remote Desktop in to it.

Anyone know the correct/proper way to do this? Just to be clear, as there are a ton of posts about a "home vpn with raspberry pi" I am -not- looking to route all my home traffic in to a vpn, I am looking to create a vpn -in- to my home network.

Edit: The Pi I'm using in a pi 4 with 4gb ram.

submitted by /u/Nx0Sec
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