How to connect 2 camera modules to Raspberry Pi ?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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How to connect 2 camera modules to Raspberry Pi ?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I have 2 camera modules which I want to connect to my Raspberry Pi 4B 8RAM, so I could read their output at the same time, but it has only 1 port, so I can connect only 1 camera module.
I see many adapters, but because of 1 port their read speed is too low, because basically they just iterate over connected cameras with delay up to 3 secs. This is a bad solution for me, because I need as low delay as possible.
Another solution I looked into is to convert modules to USB, but I didn't find any adapters.
Some context to avoid X Y problem: I'm trying to make a build which would allow getting a 360 video stream for further processing.
So, how can I connect 2 camera modules in order to read their video streams at the same time ?

submitted by /u/Aggravating-Video115
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