Creating a Warhammer tank with music and timed LEDs

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Creating a Warhammer tank with music and timed LEDs

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hi folks! I've been told this is the place for a zany idea i've been having. I've listed this as a school project as it's both software/hardware, and every day is a learning day even when you're a fully grown adult. I own a Raspberry Pi but that's it. I'm a complete beginner so bare with me...
I want to build a Warhammer tank that contains tiny speakers as well as LEDs that are timed to a given track. Similar to THIS video (the last slide), only i'd like to be able to drill certain parts, like the organ pipes, and have speakers and lights sticking out of various holes. Space inside is limited as you can see, so the circuit board would need to be fairly small, but the top section does lift off to reveal a hollow inside, so there is some room. The idea i'm going off is to have THIS playing, and be able to programme the lights to dance to the melody, like when people put christmas lights on their houses.
Now, I come to you as a complete beginner, so in terms of parts/software i'd need to achieve this I have no idea what is required, and if this is even possible. But i'm hoping someone is inspired enough by my idea that they'll go with me on it...if anyone has any ideas at all, or somewhere to point me, i'd be forever grateful!

submitted by /u/Poopdecklool
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