Rpi Zero 2 W Wireless Power?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Rpi Zero 2 W Wireless Power?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Does the Zero 2 have less wireless power or a design difference that increases problems from interference?
I'm struggling with an oddly intermittent wireless problem for one that I am using installed in a Prusa i3 MK3s running Octoprint. I can connect to it in the mornings but by around noon it has lost it's connection. I suspect this is due to RF interference (City life) but I previously had a Zero W doing the same duty and it was rock-solid for over a year. The only reason I suspect it's RF interference is because our garage door opener has a similar problem when the battery is low---a new battery fixes the issue.
I am aware of that power management is (for some reason) enabled by default, because that was originally giving me problems. I have disabled it and confirmed that it's always disabled on reboot, so it isn't that.
The Zero isn't technically supported by Octoprint, and I ran up against it's limitations a few times so I was excited to upgrade to the Zero 2. Unfortunately, it's basically unusable. If anyone has any suggestion to improve the Zero 2's connectivity, I'd be appreciative. (In particular, can it be connected via ethernet or to an external wifi antenna? I think the answer to both of those is "not easily" and certainly not using the Prusa's internal header.)

submitted by /u/ndrwstn
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