32x Issues

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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32x Issues

Post by /genesis »

Pictures I just got a 32x in from ebay today and I’m already having problems. Initially it was the Genesis layer of graphics corrupting during gameplay, turning into one solid block of color leaving only the 32x layer visible. Now the two layers refuse to display together at all. If I plug the HD Retrovision cables into the 32x (with the link cable between the 32x in and the Genesis video out) I see the 32x layer, if I plug into the Genesis only I see the Genesis layer. It’s like the two aren’t seeing each other at all. Something has to be going on because without the Genesis out plugged in the 32x in there is no signal at all, leading me to believe it’s pulling sync from it. In the attached photos you can see the separate layers in Primal Rage and Knuckes’ Chaotix. After Burner Complete (not pictured) was missing the HUD entirely. When the corruption issue was happening it would persist on reboot, shown in the final photo. Now I’m not seeing the corruption at all and the Everdrive menu is fine on reset. It’s as if the Genesis was only having problems when in 32x “modeâ€￾ and now the two are entirely separate. Playing Genesis games both with and without the 32x attached works fine. Because of this I don’t think the Genesis itself is the issue. I’m completely at a loss with this.
Both the Genesis (model 1 VA6) and 32x (model 84000A) are NTSC and have been recapped with Console5 kits. The issue was there before the recap. I’m using Hd Retrovision component cables and I’ve tried two different model 1 DIN to 2 DIN conversion cables (HD Retrovision and OEM) and a third party cable between that and the 32x. I checked continuity on in-between cable and every pin checked out (5v is unconnected). Hell I even have the metal shielding plates installed for good measure.
Has anyone seen this before? Could something within my Genesis be defected. Or could the 32x itself be faulty (god forbid). Are there known issues like this with certain models or Genesis or with the Everdrive X3? No clue what to do here. Thanks in advance. I really can’t catch a break.

submitted by /u/legodano
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