Greatest Heavyweights vs. Real Deal

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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Greatest Heavyweights vs. Real Deal

Post by /genesis »

It seems like most seem to consider Greatest Heavyweights to be universally superior to Evander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing. I'm not one of those people.
To me the game is waay to focused on offense and defense is ineffective most of the time. The CPU clearly reacts unhumanly fast to your inputs and often switches from head to body the nanosecond you attempt to block it. I found the only way to compete is to out cheese ? the CPU by repetitively blocking and counter punching over and over again. Forget about combos, defensive strategies and actual boxing. It's about outmashing the other guy. Not fun IMO.
Real Deal on the other hand is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Slow and defensive. While it is too slow for my liking, the fights actually feel more like well.. real boxing. The art of hitting while not getting hit. Throwing a quick combination and then smothering your opponent to regain some stamina or mess with the flow of your opponent. Mixing up your style and being less predictable. Coming on strong at the end of the round to steal it. The CPU also seemed more intelligent in learning your patterns and making you mix it up to grind out a win.
This just feels absent in GHW to me. If you aren't outmashing the CPU and using cheap repetitive tactics going for the KO, you can forget about surviving much less winning the round.
I know most are probably going to say I just suck at the game. But I stand by my opinion that Real Deal is much closer to a boxing sim and a more rewarding and fair career mode. Despite having only one actual former boxer in the game. Let's hear your arguments. ;)

submitted by /u/BlunderArtist9
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