As of 2021, how to add new games while keeping it as stock as possible??

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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As of 2021, how to add new games while keeping it as stock as possible??

Post by /psxclassic »

So I bought the PSC back when BleemSync was still a thing and PE didn't even exist. AB was around, but in very early stages. Editing a sqlite DB file didn't seem too hard, as well as partitioning, using lolhack, etc. I had read about the resistor mod and figured I'd leave it stock until I got some soldering tools and get back into soldering.
Fast-forward to Dec 2021, I applied the resistor mod to both USB ports and now I'm ready to add games with an external USB drive into port 2, just to realize that now both AB and PE are bloated as heck (don't get me wrong, the features are super-cool for those who are into it...) when all I want is just to add a few new games to the PSC. I could care less about NTFS, OTG, RetroArch, WiFi, BT, etc. All I want is just to put a bunch of files on my thumbdrive, add games, and off we go.
However, I've found out that PE has a bunch of stuff in the installer (about 400Mb~ or so) that I don't really need/want, and same for AB. So I had to go search for articles back in time and found one about gpghax and lolhack, but sadly it seems that gpghax was unstable (?) so it recommends BleemSync, which seems to have been superseded by Project Eris, which, eh, isn't my cup of tea. I wanted to download the latest BleemSync version, but the link is down, too.
So yeah, backstory aside, is there actually just an easy way to do something really, really simple: Add a couple of games to an USB drive, edit the database (maybe) and boot off it? No RetroArch, no DOOM, no Tyrian, no Cores, no anything, just plain ol' PSX games in a folder, with the emulator that Sony worked on (yeah I know it's PCSX ReARMed), stock? (Or something like a minimal AutoBleem install with Carousel UI (no other, but stock UI), to say it that way).
I know there's people who root for RetroArch and other bundled stuff... For that I've got other systems, and while all those things are indeed a feat achieved on the PSC, I think this all drift offs the original concept of it. Even though we know Sony didn't do it well by just limiting the game quantity (and added a few crappy ones, too), all I want is to put my games on the USB drive and get over the 25-game limit, without modding the console more than I've already done. A simple request, ya?
Any suggestions welcome, thanks in advance! :)

submitted by /u/darkguy2008
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