Did you ever have any "leper" games in your arcade?

A video game arcade cabinet, also known as a video arcade machine or video coin-op, is the housing within which a video arcade game's hardware resides. Most cabinets designed since the 1990's conform to the JAMMA wiring standard.

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Bustin' Moves
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Did you ever have any "leper" games in your arcade?

Post by /Arcade »

By that, I mean one everyone avoided like the plague.
I remember one in our Aladdin's Castle. It was Tin Star. No one would touch that game with a ten-foot pole, even when the place was packed with kids. I know why. I played it. THIS GAME SUCKED.
There was one day they were doing a charity drive for some disease. They made the magnanimous decision that all proceeds on Tin Star from that day would go to that charity. I doubt the charity even covered the cost of the stamp for the thank you letter back to them. Ah, the 80s.

submitted by /u/SwelteringSwami
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