"An error has occured" screen on startup / a blank flashdrive running through OTG

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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"An error has occured" screen on startup / a blank flashdrive running through OTG

Post by /psxclassic »

Okay, so i installed Project Eris. All was well in the world. Until one day, i turned on the console and got hit with a screen that said "An error has occurred. Please turn off the console and unplug the AC adapter..." So i did. And the same screen occurred.
I removed the flash drive that was being run through an OTG adapter and put it into my PC to see if something was wrong. It was blank. It appeared as though it had been flashed back to stock. Windows told me that the drive was unable to be read and that it did not recognise it. Long story short, the USB was blank and no longer FAT32.
I don't really know what could have caused this and im unsure as to how to continue. Any advice?

submitted by /u/Bartandaelus
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