Centipede- Why mushrooms?

A video game arcade cabinet, also known as a video arcade machine or video coin-op, is the housing within which a video arcade game's hardware resides. Most cabinets designed since the 1990's conform to the JAMMA wiring standard.

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Centipede- Why mushrooms?

Post by /Arcade »

I was never a big fan of Centipede until rather recently and I can not get enough of it. I enjoy the cocktails table in a local arcade, along with the track ball for it and some touch screen app clones are decent.
However it has been nagging me... Why are mushrooms being created by centipedes? I understand it blocks and forces the rest of the centipede in the other direction and maybe the idea of a mushroom forest as a setting and limited types\amounts of sprites on screen at once had a hand in the mushrooms being grown instead of rocks (or what ever) just appearing perhaps.
But does the mushroom hold any kind of significance? Are there old wives tales like if you touch a toad you will get a wart? Anything about killing a centipede and a mushroom will grow in it's place sort of thing?

submitted by /u/DS9B5SG-1
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