What are some Sega arcade games you think would’ve worked perfectly on the Sega Master System but never got ported?

[Released: 1985] One of the most unusual features of the Sega Master System is its dual media inputs: one cartridge slot and one card slot. The card slot accepted small cards about the size of a credit card.

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What are some Sega arcade games you think would’ve worked perfectly on the Sega Master System but never got ported?

Post by /markiiisystem »

For a while I’ve noticed that a lot of Sega’s more obscure arcade games of the mid ‘80s would’ve translated well to the master system, yet they remained exclusive to the arcade. Here’s my personal list of games I wish would’ve gotten a port.
FlashGal (1985)—a fun mixed-genre game starring a Wonder Woman look-alike (who also looks like a bit like a precursor to Blaze Fielding from Streets of Rage). The main gameplay is a lot like Irem’s Kung Fu/Spartan X, but also features scrolling shooter and vehicle stages. The graphics and sound are near identical to the Master System specs and would’ve translated well. Has yet to receive any official home ports even today.
4-D Warriors (1985)—a scrolling shooter that features inter dimensional travel as a gameplay mechanic. Unfortunately, Most of the alternate dimensions are optional and serve only as traps, but they’re still fun to deliberately get sucked into and could be converted to bonus areas in a home port.
UFO Senshi Yohko-Chan (1988)—a surreal run ‘n gun shooter that features overhead and side view segments. Extremely Japanese and stars a famous musician as the main player, with her songs serving as the BGM, so it may have needed a bit of localization like they did with Teddy Boy, but it still could’ve worked (though they’d have to compromise due to the arcade game having 3 buttons).
Calorie-Kun (1986)—a silly Dig-Dug style game where you play as a chubby creature who has to keep eating to avoid passing out from hunger, while defeating enemies with bombs and attacks.
Brain (1986)—a scrolling shooter with very open maze-like levels that have multiple paths you can take. The collision detection is a little weird (you can fly partially inside the walls/floor/ceiling without crashing/stopping for some reason, so they may need to re-do the terrain graphics and fix the collision detection to make it more clear what parts are actually solid), but glitches aside it’s a fun game and has some interesting concepts that make it seem a little bit more original.
My Hero (1985)—This game is an exception because, while it did get a master system port, it was heavily stripped down to fit on a Sega My-Card. Had they released a more arcade-accurate port of this game on cartridge with all the music, level settings, and characters intact, that would’ve been awesome, especially since the arcade version has a lot of zany humor that was left out and almost seems more like a parody of how nonsensical video games were at the time. (Your girl gets kidnapped by time traveling villains instead of the same guy pretending to surrender after every fight, the third level has you fighting planet of the apes spoofs, and the music in the third level is fricking epic. Also, the second level is in feudal Japan so that’s pretty cool too). Could also benefit from some enhancements, like maybe a life bar for the main stages and an extra level or two (with the time travel theme, there are plenty of ideas they could’ve implemented for extra levels, like maybe one extra level where you fight cavemen or something).
So what are your personal picks? What games do you think should’ve gotten a Master System port?

submitted by /u/SpaceHarrier64
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