Philips CD-i Support! PSP Cheats! PCSX ReArmed NEON Cheats Fixed! Hyper Duel Support with MAME 2003 Plus! Core Set Release fo

[Released: 2016] Licensed miniature replica NES that includes a static library of 30 built-in games supporting save states.

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Philips CD-i Support! PSP Cheats! PCSX ReArmed NEON Cheats Fixed! Hyper Duel Support with MAME 2003 Plus! Core Set Release fo

Post by /classicNES »

Playstation Classic - Philips CD-i - Demonstration! + Hyper Duel Arcade Bonus!
Release link at bottom!
Some of the more technical aspects to this Release will turn up within the context of Video Tutorials throughout this and next week!
And here I go again on my own Goin' down the only road I've ever known Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone And I've made up my mind I ain't wasting no more time But here I go again Here I go again Here I go again Ooh baby, ooh yeah
Whitesnake's Here I Go Again has always been one of my favorite retro songs! It was also hella fun to play in Rock Band 3 with Microphone, Drums, Guitar and Bass! Rock Band/Guitar Hero are pretty much DOA at this point. Shame we never got Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd! But, I still have fun playing around with them, as well as Rock Band Blitz...the offshoot game, occasionally!
In any case, welcome to the very next Update! Many fun and new surprises in store, this time around! I, more or less, focused on reality over the last month to get things in check. Never take for granted what matters most in life! And, it certainly is not video games:) Your family and loved ones should always be top priority, first and foremost! And, of course, your own sense of well being and preservation, as well!
Final tidbit before moving onto the Release Notes and such! For those of you who loved Breakin' Bad, and were looking for a fun diversion in a uniquely different context, check out Amazon Prime's Sneaky Pete! It has a great turn by Bryan Cranston, to start things off with a nice bang! I binge watched right into Season 2, pretty fast and furious:) There have not been a whole lot of shows that have gotten me to want to watch episode after episode after episode. But, the quality shows that do come along and stand out for me have been ones like Breakin' Bad, Game of Thrones, Shield, Dexter, Prison Break, LEXX, Heroes, Lost, Banshee, and so on!
And, like word association, if Breakin' Bad is to Sneaky Pete, then Game of Thrones is to Harlots. Harlots is a fun show on Hulu, which has "cathouses" battling for supremacy in a very similar approach to themes presented in Game of Thrones!
And, as they say, "laugh with them". In that referential context, my Release Notes have been pseudo technical/blog. It is what it is. And, unlike working in a certain company's Warehouses, where everything becomes robotic...this most certainly isn't the case with my Releases! So, here I go again!:)

  • RetroArch Xtreme Updated (Mini S-NESC)
  • Philips CD-i Support! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
  • Hyper Duel/Action Hollywood Supported in MAME 2003 Plus! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
  • Cheats Updated! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
  • PCSX ReArmed NEON Cheats Fixed! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
  • PSP Cheats! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
  • Artwork added for PC-Engine CD/Philips CD-i
  • Other Additions! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
  • The Videos!
  • Final Notes!
RetroArch Xtreme Updated (Mini S-NESC)
Personal thanks to bslenul, per usual, for bringing forth a quick fix for fix for SNES not working on the NESC with Canoe in command line. I also updated the Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets Tethering Command Line Perimeters into the ReadMe, which can be viewed easily while viewing the Core within hakchi.
Philips CD-i Support! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
Another one off of the bucket list of Cores we want to get going with the Mini Classics! Philips CD-i, an ill-fated system that completely flopped...was home to some almost unbelievable entries in the vein of Zelda, Mario, and so on! Yes, Nintendo actually allowed some of their hottest properties to be made into craptastic games on this Console! It was meant to be a Multi-Media System! But, like the 3DO, both faltered and were usurped pretty quickly by the far superior Playstation One, and its far better catalog of games and 3rd party support.
You can now run Philips CD-i with MESS! Follow these steps:)

  1. Have latest Injector for AutoBleem/BleemSync installed if on PSC; MESS Dependencies and MESS Core HMODs installed if on NESC/SNESC
  2. Create a cdimono1 folder wherever you plan on running the CD-i games from, if on PSC
  3. Place CD-i BIOS within said folder
  4. Copy and paste whichever CD-i game you'd like to run, also into cdimono1 folder
  5. From, copy the _DUMMY file/s you want for any given game. These are what will "load" and point to your hard files. IE: would be selected with MESS Core, in order to load the US version of Zelda: Wand of Gamelon You would need to have the Zelda: Wand of Gamelon bin+cue or chd within cdimono1 directory
  6. If on NESC/SNESC, things are slightly trickier. You can run things easily from _DUMMY folder method, obviously! But, in order to run from the Main UI, you would need to add, as an example, as a game, as is. Then, navigate to that CLV folder, then create cdimono1 folder, and drag inside of it. Then, copy the BIOS and game you'd like to run into the same folder. Example command line when done would be:
/bin/mess /var/games/CLV-Z-NNOEA/cdimono1/
You would need to manually change it to be like this (CLV may vary), then close Hakchi, Reopen, then export.
NOTE: MOST of the _DUMMY files are empty, so you will get an unhandled exception error with hakchi when accessing them. To get around this, simply create a text file, using notepad, that matches the name of the For example, create burncycl.txt and drag it into the This is also a workaround I devised awhile back to easily bypass Hakchi's checksum check perimeter. This is quite helpful in the cases where checksums match. You can, of course, add these, as is. And, if the unhandled exception error pops up, simply click continue!
If any of you have issues running these, feel free to ask, and I will do my best to help you along!
Hyper Duel/Action Hollywood Supported in MAME 2003 Plus! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
Hyper Duel, a fantastic Arcade Game that had been typically played via Sega Saturn in more recent years, is now supported and fully working...great, in fact...via MAME 2003 Plus, along with Action Hollywood, a funny spoof, puzzler game, with an emphasis on Action Movies. In Xtras/Arcade, you can peruse the updates to MAME 2003 Plus via the km_mame2003_plus&_xtreme_compatibility ReadMe!
Some other additions, this time around, are:

  • Beathead Fixed
  • Tecmo World Cup 96 and Top Players Golf fixed
  • Thrash Rally graphical glitches cleaned up
  • Small NEO-GEO speed and performance boost
  • Wrestling Games: Mat Mania and Exciting Hour graphical glitches fixed
  • Ring King/King of Boxer sprite fixes
  • Goal92 video fixed up
Refer to the ReadMe! for the rest! Personal thanks to arcadez and arnoldsecret!
Cheats Updated! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
I updated Cheats for all Cores that support them, aside from MAME 2003 Plus/Standard/Xtreme, which do not yet need Updated! Many new entries and fixups...speaking of which!...
PCSX ReArmed NEON Cheats Fixed! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
Personal thanks to Retro-Wertz for fixing up the Ram issues with some Cheats properly loading and working! The Updated PCSX ReArmed NEON Core should fare much better with previously stubborn Cheats!
PSP Cheats! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
Oft requested, more so, than not! You can now do "manual" PSP Cheats for all 3 Mini Classics, using PPSSPP Xtreme Core! In Xtras/PSP, are the files and ReadMe! you will need to help out!
With PPSSPP Xtreme, you can utilize Cheats! In order to do this, follow these steps...

  1. Have latest AutoBleem/BleemSync Injector if on PSC; latest RetroArch Xtreme if on NESC/SNESC
  2. Play any PSP game, then shut down your system.
  3. Your saves directory, within PSP/Cheats, should now contain a fresh and new .ini file.
Example Save Directories:
PSC: AutoBleem - retroarch/saves/PSP/Cheats; BleemSync - bleemsync/opt/retroarch/saves/PSP/Cheats NESC/SNESC - hakchi/retroarch/saves/PSP/Cheats
Note: PSP/Game can be used for DLC content.

  1. You can amend this .ini file with Notepad or similarly minded program, to manually add Cheats.
  2. The contains a database that you can peruse for exact Cheats that can be added.
  3. CWCheat Database Editor is convenient to be able to quickly access .ini ID numbers, etc.
  4. C0 = OFF; C1 = ON, as far as toggling Cheats.
Artwork added for PC-Engine CD/Philips CD-i
In Google Drive Link, Xtras/Artwork. Personal thanks to EmuMovies and HyperSpin for the incredible Artwork!
Other Additions! (Mini S-NESC-PSC)
Nearly 30+ Cores have been updated with various fixes, optimizations, and so on, for the better benefit of all 3 Mini Consoles! I will showcase more of these changes within videos, throughout this and next week!
I have fixed up 50+ other things that will also lend credence to a better overall experience with your Minis!
Shaders have been Updated, Controller Configurations, many many other things, to boot!
The four NES Cores that install, by default, with RetroArch Xtreme...for NESC/SNESC, are also now standalone, for those who want the convenience of being able to Update JUST those, and/or use any other RetroArch Versions! Thanks bslenul for the suggestion!
The Videos:)!
Be sure to check back on my YouTube, as I will showcase more videos when I have free time to! I will be sure to get more drumming videos in, as well!
Playstation Classic - Philips CD-i - Demonstration! + Hyper Duel Arcade Bonus!
Turbografx 16 - PCE Mini - PSC Showcase - Part 1
Let's See How Far We've Come! My first video, NAND only, 2500 Game Set-Up!
Final Notes!
Enjoy the Release and have a great week! I will see you all around, as time permits me to get a few more videos recorded and well as via responding to your various messages and feedback! Anything any of you want to see for the Next Update, feel free to request away! And, due to the complexity of Philips CD-i and PSP Cheats, any of you that have difficulty, be sure to let me know!
There are some other surprises that made it into this Update that I did not yet reveal! And, there is a chance we may have some "NEW" Cores working by Next Update, too! Stay Tuned:)
P.S. Genderbent will Update RetroBoot, accordingly, to account for what I Updated into this Release. I have provided him with the necessary files:)
Sincerely, KMFDManic...
And, of course, the Release!:)

submitted by /u/MDFMKanic
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