Sega Collection Sheet & Region Guide V.2.0 - Master System Page Now Complete

[Released: 1985] One of the most unusual features of the Sega Master System is its dual media inputs: one cartridge slot and one card slot. The card slot accepted small cards about the size of a credit card.

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Sega Collection Sheet & Region Guide V.2.0 - Master System Page Now Complete

Post by /markiiisystem »

Recently I have wanted to begin collecting Sega Genesis, Mega Drive and Master System games again following a console purchase, and I was looking for a collector's guide, however I wasn't happy with the scattered, unfinished or hard to use resources I found online, so since the 7th of August, I've been making this. To use it, just make a copy to your account or save it as a file. You are absolutely welcome and encouraged to give criticism and feedback to make this better, too.
Of course, there are a handful of games on the region compatibility tables that there simply wasn't enough information online about, and I hope to find out over time.
Game Gear games are my next priority, and will be found in their own pages along the bottom.
Following this will come a Saturn Page, and then finally a Dreamcast page.
This is a fairly large project that I'm taking on simply out of passion, and it's very time consuming, but I love doing it honestly. Anyone else willing to help out with it are also welcome to do so if you wish! And again, criticism and feedback are not only welcome, but encouraged.
Thank you! - Alisha

submitted by /u/Vivirin
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