Trying to find: Big box version of Mechwarrior 3 and Final fantasy 7. This is my white whale.

A video game console is an interactive entertainment computer or customized computer system that produces a video display signal which can be used with a display device (a television, monitor, etc.) to display a video game.

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Bustin' Moves
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Trying to find: Big box version of Mechwarrior 3 and Final fantasy 7. This is my white whale.

Post by /RetroGaming »

Back when I was younger, I ventured to my local Electronics Boutique and purchased (after much saving) a big box dual game of Final Fantasy 7 and Mechwarrior 3. It was a weird combo, but the boxes were attached. It was the Mecharrior 3 box with the like, chrome-ish style coloring, and a final fantasy 7 box merged together. It was weird....
But....I went through a few streaks of homelessness, moving, selling stuff for food, etc in the years that followed.
This left me without my prized possession at the time, the dual, big box version of these games.
Ebay searches, craigslist, amazon, everything has been fruitless.
Does anyone have a bead on where I might procure one of these?
At this point - its my white whale.
Here is the mecharior 3 style box:
I cannot remember 100% what the Final Fantasy 7 side of the box was, but I think it was close to this:
I do remember very specifically that I got the 10key template with it too, and I had to beat that game with just the damned 10 key which was a complete pain in the ass for the gym/squat session thing.
I cannot explain how much I want to get a copy of this dual box set....Money is not reallllyyyyy an obstacle. I mean if its $500, then Id have to justify it to my wife. But a couple hundred dollar colelctable nostalgia piece would be friggin in a case on my shelf and well take care of.

submitted by /u/beastquake509
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