Games for little kids

[Released: 2011] The 3DS is similar to the DS, but is capable of projecting stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. A redesigned "XL" version of the console was also released.

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Games for little kids

Post by /3ds »

Hi, I just got a 2DS, 2DSxl, and 3DSxl for the family.
For my wife and I, games are pretty easy to decide upon.
The issue is my son who is 35 months old.
What will entertain him for days on end baffles me and what I think he "should" enjoy . . . he either can't comprehend or gets bored/frustrated with.
So perusers and posters of reddit; what games are recommended for kids age 2-4?

submitted by /u/jabettan
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