About to buy a NES Classic Mini for my kid. How do I delete games?

[Released: 2016] Licensed miniature replica NES that includes a static library of 30 built-in games supporting save states.

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About to buy a NES Classic Mini for my kid. How do I delete games?

Post by /classicNES »

I want my son to focus on one or two games at a time, until he masters them relatively well / gets relatively bored before I start to introduce more games. Initially I planned on finding a real NES and buying cartridges, but now with Corona ... ... ...
So, how can I delete all games but let's say Mario Bros and Tetris, and still have the remainder available for introducing them later, without ruining or losing anything?
Is there any link or website with instructions? I read something about Hakchi...? What's that?

submitted by /u/AnxiousCantaloupe84
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