What games from other systems are must haves on here

[Released: 2017] A successor to the NES Classic Edition, this remake comes with twenty-one Super NES titles pre-installed, including the official release of Star Fox 2.

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What games from other systems are must haves on here

Post by /classicSNESmini »

So after I downloaded every snes game I could want, and figuring out nes, and gbc, and gba in hakchi I’ve downloaded quite a few from those systems as well. Don’t really have to dive into Sega cause I have a Sega mini I have loaded with every Sega title I could want.
Anyways my main system was snes so I’m looking at lists but what other games/systems do you recommend I look into? I’d love to get mame time killers and mame 2p simpsons but I can’t find roms for either that I can get to work so whatever haha.

submitted by /u/new-to-this-sort-of
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