Not sure if this is allowed here, but I've been working on a game heavily inspired by the GBC Oracle games!

[Released: 1998] As suggested by the name, features a color screen. It is slightly thicker and taller than the Game Boy Pocket, which is a redesigned Game Boy released in 1996. As with the original Game Boy, it has an 8-bit processor and the custom Zilog Z80 central processing unit.

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Bustin' Moves
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Joined: Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:30 pm

Not sure if this is allowed here, but I've been working on a game heavily inspired by the GBC Oracle games!

Post by /gbColor »
You can see some screen shots there. I'm looking for beta testers, as I will need to test my demo before releasing it publicly. I thought maybe some folks in this community might be interested. It's a block pushing puzzle exploration game that takes inspiration from Chip's Challenge, Zelda, and Star Tropics. Sorry if this is not allowed here!
If you are interested please join our discord!

submitted by /u/gojirra
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