Scarlett would be using a GPU with the 2nd Gen RDNA, surprisingly

[Released: 2013] Moving away from its predecessor's PowerPC-based architecture, the Xbox One marks a shift back to the x86 architecture used in the original Xbox; it features an AMD Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) built around the x86-64 instruction set.

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Scarlett would be using a GPU with the 2nd Gen RDNA, surprisingly

Post by /xboxone »

AMD has just revealed their Radeon Architecture roadmap yesterday, with the RDNA & RDNA 2 shown on the same graph:

But previously (before yesterday's announcement of AMD), the RDNA 2 was called Next Gen RDNA or Next Generation of RDNA.
So what's the difference between RDNA 2 and current gen RDNA like the 5700XT?

  1. Ray Tracing capabilities, with hardware acceleration. That's why Microsoft announced that Scarlett would be the first console with hardware accelerated ray tracing.
  2. 7nm+ which is more refined than the original 7nm technology. Can see a better perf/watt ratio. That's somehow critical to the consoles.

Besides, some hidden gems that can't be confirmed today. But rumors are the next gen consoles are going to:

  1. make good use of the UMA architecture to accelerate many things :)
  2. possibly, sony is doing the same stuff too
  3. compete on a different time window
About the performance:
Currently, we know that the 5700XT outperforms the RTX 2070 in many games (without ray tracing of course) by a small factor.
And the RTX 2070 our performs the Vega64 in many games by a large factor like 20% or more.
5700XT has 9.75TFlops , while the Vega64 has 12.56TFlops, yet the 5700XT has a almost 120-130% performance of the Vega64 in real game tests. That is to say, even just the 5700XT has a more than 2x performance than the GPU inside the Xbox One X. The 9.75TFlops Navi can beat a "15TFlops" GCN, if it ever existed.
Because of the RDNA architecture is WAY more efficient than the GCN architecture, so the TFlops numbers cannot be used to compare performances between generations any more. Lockhart was rumored to be having a 4TFlops Navi GPU, and I'm completely cool with that since that the performance should be acting no worse than the Xbox One X's 6TFlops GCN GPU.

The questions and mysteries remained is:

  1. How to control the Watts needed?
  2. How to control the Dollars needed?
5700XT requires a 225W power supply. The GPU alone draws more power than the whole Xbox One X.
There was a time that the Xbox 360 comes with a 245W power brick... but that was a long long time ago.. Honestly I don't think that they would be bringing back a power brick, and the high heat again...

So there must be something to be done to reduce the power and the heat. That's where the next gen RDNA kicks in.
The 5700XT has only 40CUs, and a really high working frequency that's not healthy for power requirements.
Remember, the Scarlett was designed to beat RTX 2070 at least. So we want a GPU that's more powerful than the 5700XT, with lower watts needed.
What if the RDNA 2 can bring us a 56CU or 60CU or even 64CU GPU? So that we can greatly tune down the frequency needed while still improving the performance. I'm not sure because the price can be really high ...

Have any thoughts on these two questions? Let me know plz!

submitted by /u/hotellonely
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