Questioning a two controller setup on a modded PSC and the reason of my existence

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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Questioning a two controller setup on a modded PSC and the reason of my existence

Post by /psxclassic »

I went and got myself a PSC today, as it was only 29,90€. I had been playing with the thought of modding it even before the purchase, and now I've been watching a lot of tutorials on BleemSync and AutoBleem (I am fairly new to this stuff). So far, I've been able to find answers to the questions I had, but one is still unanswered. I do not have an OTG adapter, so if was to mod the console without it, the USB stick would be taking over the player two port. However, I read that you could just have a USB hub coming out of the player one port, and plug both of the controllers through that, and it would work fine. Wouldn't this however mean that the two controllers now need 200 mA of power together, while the single port is designed to only hand out 100 mA (hence not all USB drives work)? Would this cause problems in the future, ie. overheating or messing with the PSC hardware, or am I overthinking this? Is this all irrelevant and should I just stop being so cheap and go for an OTG adapter in the first place?

submitted by /u/KnitReality
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