Fullscreen With Either Bleemsync Or Retroarch? And Retroarch Qs.

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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Fullscreen With Either Bleemsync Or Retroarch? And Retroarch Qs.

Post by /psxclassic »

Couple questions.

1: Does anyone know how to get games into fullscreen using either Bleemsync 1.1 or Retroarch?
On Autobleem, in the boot menu settings there's an option for "Widescreen" which when toggled works perfectly to get games into fullscreen. I wish bleemsync had something similar.

2: There appears to be loads of shaders options loaded into retroarch. From 3dfx to dithering to zfast, and lots of other ones. Has anyone played with shaders?

3: Where do you place memory card saves into retroarch if one wants to switch from using stock emulator to retroarch.

submitted by /u/elevenatx
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