Just bought a PSP Go in 2019

[Released: 2004] The PSP is the only handheld console to use an optical disc format as its primary storage medium. Other distinguishing features of the console include its large viewing screen and robust multi-media capabilities.

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Just bought a PSP Go in 2019

Post by /psp »

Bought it like 3 days ago, and spent the last 3 days installing infinity 6.61, downloading games, setting up emulators etc.
But now it's completed. A machine full of PS1, PSP, SNES, GBA and Genesis games that fits in your shirt pocket. Amazing! This thing has a superb size/performance ratio.
And the buttons, god yes. Did any of you try playing Metroid Fusion on your phones? It's awful. Playable, but still awful. I even tried mapping L and R to my volume up/down buttons, which didn't help at all. But with the PSP, it's much, much more enjoyable.
I also have a 2dsxl too and I've been using that as an emulation device until now. Its also pocketable but still larger, and the bottom screen is useless when emulating old games. Also the sleep mode of the PSP is just superior when compared to 3ds. Last night I forgot my PSP in sleep mode and in the morning it still had full battery! If I had done the same to my 2dsxl, it would be dead yesterday. I mean 3ds has a great library but when it comes to emulation on the go, PSP Go is the real deal.

submitted by /u/3dstek
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