PS3 Ultra-Slim selectively reads discs - fails to read others.

[Released: 2006] The PS3 was the first console to use Blu-ray Disc as its primary storage medium. In September 2009 the updated PlayStation 3 Slim, was released. A further refined Super Slim design was also released.

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PS3 Ultra-Slim selectively reads discs - fails to read others.

Post by /p3 »

I'll cut the story on how I got this PS3, because it took over 20 trips to GameStop and back before I got one that wasn't broken in some way... Or so I thought.
My PS3 has an issue where it only reads certain blu-rays, and refuses to read others. This issue is strictly game/movie specific (that I can tell, as I don't own duplicates of the same title). For example, Yakuza 4, Jak & Daxter Collection, and PS All Stars Battle Royale, will successfully read 100 percent of the time, and never crash in game. However, The Last of Us, Heavy Rain, and Uncharted 3 for example, will fail to load 100 percent of the time. Now the disc drive never stops trying to read it. I can hear it spinning, and spinning, and spinning, yet the PS3 never recognizes the game so I can launch it, and the spinning never stops, just keeps cycling until I eject it. This PS3 functions in every other way without issue (except a burnt out status LED light), and all my discs are flawless without scratches. As stated before, this luck of the draw scenario happens with Blu-ray movies too, many of which are brand new out of the box, and play fine in other players.
I also eject the discs the correct way, with the button. I know forcing the slide cover off is a quick way to damage these Ultra-slims.
Does anyone have an idea what's going on or how to fix it?

submitted by /u/Zuon94
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