Anyone here have both a Playstation Classic and a Playstation TV?

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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Anyone here have both a Playstation Classic and a Playstation TV?

Post by /psxclassic »

I preordered the PSC back when it was announced, and thanks to a YouTube channel, I found out about the PSTV and bought one. However, I still ended up with the PSC because I forgot to cancel the order.
There's pros and cons for both. I like the look of the PSC as far as the console and the controllers, but the the selection of games and the software is hit and miss. The PS TV has a great selection of games, but not all of the games in the store are supported by the system. Some of them do not even give you a warning before purchasing them. I was not able to play the MGS games I bought until I was able to hack it. The PSTV also has manuals for every game. While I only saw it as a nice feature at first, I really wished the games on the PSC had manuals.
I used to have my PSC hacked, but after trying to change the games internally with no luck being able to connect to the FTP server, I decided to uninstall Bleemsync completely. I am considering upgrading to the OTG support, but I'd rather wait to be able to remove and add games internally. Basically, my second question in this post is whether or not it is worth doing the OTG support or just wait until the PSC can do what I want.

submitted by /u/CriscoM90
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