I have a raggedy old 360 that I’d like to connect to the internet for some brief game updates. It has no WiFi adaptor, and I

[Released: 2005] As the second console from Microsoft, the XBOX 360 completely sold out upon release in all regions except in Japan. About 33% of all consoles became defective making it the most unreliable console ever created.

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I have a raggedy old 360 that I’d like to connect to the internet for some brief game updates. It has no WiFi adaptor, and I

Post by /xB360 »

I don’t have WiFi, but I do have a hotspot in my phone. I purchase the 10 dollar hotspot plan for the sole purpose of getting the console on the internet, but I forgot about the adaptor..
I looked around online and the adaptors seem to run anywhere from $20 to $80(!). Is this my only real option?
I just want to play some of my old original Xbox games (Fable TLC, Battlefront II, JK:JA, so on). I’d also really like to download Symphony of the Night, which I purchased on XBLA ages ago..
I have a chromebook that I run Linux in under a chroot, but haven’t been able to figure out how to share wifi on it (having it hooked to my hotspot).

submitted by /u/8636396
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