Left analog stick leans right

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Left analog stick leans right

Post by /playstation2 »

I was having a hard time in the original Spyro, I couldn't find my PS1 controllers so I was using my PS2 controller. I was having a very hard time with some of the jumps, I swear it felt like Spyro kept leaning to the right and it was hard to make him turn left.
Turns out... that's exactly what was happening. I noticed that rarely, Spyro will turn right on his own, spinning the stick around stopped it... but then I tried testing it and the stick is still off. If I so much as look at the left stick funny towards the right, Spyro turns right. I have to push the stick a fair amount to the left before he will start turning left however, so it's clearly skewed towards the right.
Trying to re-calibrate the controller doesn't help, it seems to be actually like this, and I already tried cleaning the controller, didn't help.
Are there any suggestions or guides on trying to fix this? Right now I have a makeshift fix by holding it slightly to the right to intentionally mis-calibrate it on boot, which then makes the center position actually the center position... but I need to do this every time I boot the game, and if I push it too far or too little it's still mis-calibrated. It's not a permanent fix or long-term solution.

submitted by /u/Cyber_Akuma
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