You Can Use A Genesis Mini Controller On The Master System (Well the shell) Just A PSA To Those Who Play On Original Hardware

[Released: 1985] One of the most unusual features of the Sega Master System is its dual media inputs: one cartridge slot and one card slot. The card slot accepted small cards about the size of a credit card.

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You Can Use A Genesis Mini Controller On The Master System (Well the shell) Just A PSA To Those Who Play On Original Hardware

Post by /markiiisystem »

So basically I love the Master System controller but for some games the D-Pad isnt ideal.
You can just plug a regular Genesis controller in.... call this blasphemy but after using the Genesis Mini controller I realized I love how the D-Pad feels like the perfect blend of the Master System looseness and the Genesis precision. Especially for shooters.
Anyway you can switch the Genesis controller board into the Genesis Mini shell. It's made so all the holes to secure the board in line up. I did have to widen one hole myself but it was much smaller than the others and seemed like it wasnt large enough to begin with.
I have no experience doing ANYTHING to consoles and even for me it was a cake job.
If you want to play the original Master System with a controller that feels great for the games I really suggest doing this. It also gives the advantage of being able to use a Genesis shell on the Mini if you want to.
Note: Start button and A button still wont work without additional modding of the system. You'll have to use the button on the system still to pause.

submitted by /u/SpeedOfSoundGaming
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