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Latest Bar Refresh

Post by Arcade-Projects »

Had a couple buddies over last night and rearranged my basement barcade for the upcoming New Year's Eve party. I'm much happier with it now... flows better, from the bar to the cocktail cabinets (more commonly seen in bars) to the behemoth of the 6p X-Men and through to the row of stand-up machines. On the one hand I could fit more in if I pushed them closer together, but for one thing I can't because between the Neo Geo and the Millipede is a pipe coming out of the wall (clean-out pipe for my kitchen sink), and for another thing setting them this way gives elbow room for the fighters, especially with 1p Millipede between them.

Ms Pacman has a Mike Doyle 96-in-1 (though I kinda want to trade it out for a HSS one, it looks slicker to me... not enough to pay for it though)
Neo Geo is a 4 slot with working mini marquees and a Darksoft multi (in addition to a huge pile of original carts)
Millipede has a Multipede kit in it
Big Blue is currently just MvC, but I have a 6-way switcher from RiddledTV and Darksoft multis for CPS2 and CPS3 to switch into it... I've just been lazy.


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