Ashamed to admit - I'm giving up trying to play pokemon

[Released: 2011] The 3DS is similar to the DS, but is capable of projecting stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. A redesigned "XL" version of the console was also released.

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Ashamed to admit - I'm giving up trying to play pokemon

Post by /3ds »

Well, title says it all.
I grew up in East Europe. GB and GBAs were a mere dream here.
I had heard of Pokemon, and I totally loved the idea. Capturing critters, levelling up... Mostly - being a part of something this popular. The "everyone plays" game.
Fast forward,bought first nintendo console since NES. 3ds. This year.
It's a great console. Loved Samus returns, loved Ocarina, and love MH4U.
But I tried UM. Felt boring and gave up 9 hours i . Then I read , sm/usum are "weird" and I should play older games.
Gave 10 hours to FireRed (an online guide told me I should start with gen1 remakes). 10 hours in, I find it too easy. My Charizard is lvl 40 fighting lvl 20 randoms (I did not xp grind). So I just move and blindly press A and kill everything. No strategy. And get really annoyed with every NPC just talking and thinking Pokekon. And 90% of them trying to fight me.
Tried Poke Y. Just 2 hours in I realized itis the same thing.
I really want to like Pokemon. Really do. Sounds right in my ballpark. I love turn based,deep strategy games with world exploration. I am also a "bar fill" addict (leveling up). Poke is light on meaningful RPG elements and overall npc interactions,but that's not the issue.
I really feel as if I am missing some aspect of it. I see the massive love for the series. I know, it just might not be for me, but as per the above paragraph, that doesn't seem right...
Please tell me I'm missing something? I was really looking forward to sinking tons of hours in a light addictive game...

submitted by /u/crypthon
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