Nintendo has no more games scheduled for release on the 3DS

[Released: 2011] The 3DS is similar to the DS, but is capable of projecting stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. A redesigned "XL" version of the console was also released.

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Nintendo has no more games scheduled for release on the 3DS

Post by GBAtemp »

The Nintendo 3DS originally launched back in 2011 as Nintendo's eighths generation handheld and a successor to the vastly popular DS, has sold relatively well, In contrast to it's home console counterpart, the ill-fated WIi U.
Selling a total of 75 million units worldwide, the 3DS out competed the PlayStation Vita and claimed its victory over the handheld wars of the eighth generation. Despite the immense success of the Nintendo Switch, the 3DS...

Nintendo has no more games scheduled for release on the 3DS

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