Advice on halo 3

[Released: 2005] As the second console from Microsoft, the XBOX 360 completely sold out upon release in all regions except in Japan. About 33% of all consoles became defective making it the most unreliable console ever created.

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Advice on halo 3

Post by /xB360 »

Hello! I have a used Xbox 360 and got a used halo 3 disc from eBay. Lately the disc is absolutely refusing to run for more than a couple of minutes and often crashing mid game. I’m thinking of buying the game digitally from Xbox marketplace.
Would you peeps recommend digital or physical copy? I’m sure the lens on the Xbox is fine and it’s the disc. And would I need a external HDD? Xbox is 4gb. What size for the external HDD?

submitted by /u/Anandneu123
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