TeensyJVS help. I/O detection needed for games

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TeensyJVS help. I/O detection needed for games

Post by Arcade-Projects »

Hi all,

I created the TeensyJVS I/O board since I'm still waiting for the official Sega I/O board to show up in the mail.

I got it working and the Naomi was able to detect it. However, I'm having trouble loading the games (capcom vs snk 2, marvel vs capcom 2, akatsuki bk) with this error message: Error. Jamma Board(s) don't have enough switches or functions.

i.imgur.com/ShyDNNx.jpg (not my set up, but message is the same)

I know the TeensyJVS code is barebones and someone did try to modify the code to include 2 players. meanwhileblog.wordpress.com/2019/06/02/sega-naomi-dev-log/

However, I do not need the SNES and N64 controller support. I know next to nothing about coding and I just want to get the I/O board to bypass that error screen. How would I modify the code to get the games to bypass the I/O board error?

I'm going to be using the maple bus and Dreamcast controller for the controllers btw.

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