An odd question about Initial D Cabs

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An odd question about Initial D Cabs

Post by Arcade-Projects »

I've been having some trouble sourcing a single ID Ver3 Arcade Stage for about a month now. I see lots of places have ID 6's or 7's for sale and for what appear to be fairly decent prices. Oddly enough I really enjoy the older ID ver3 which is not to say I don't like the newer versions, I just like the music and overall feel of that game. (Forever ago I had a PS2 I modded which played Initial D speical stage and VER 3 shares a bunch of the story and physics as well as the sound track). So here's my question, could I run ID3 on a ID6 or 7 Cab? I know the hardware if very different (Naomi 2 Vs what is in ID4 and above Ringedge I think is what it is called). I didn't know if some kit / hack / cool method exists that could be used to play ID3 on a newer ID cab. Again, probably an odd question but I figured it can't hurt to ask. Thanks for any comments / help! Image

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