Homebrew for writing custom articles to the news applet?

[Released: 2017] The Switch is considered by Nintendo as a "hybrid" console. The main console unit connects to a television and can be removed from the dock and can function similar to a tablet through its LCD touchscreen. The system is region free.

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Homebrew for writing custom articles to the news applet?

Post by GBAtemp »

There's NotifyMii on the 3DS which lets you play around with the Notifications applet and write your own custom notifications which can also launch games, is there a similar thing on the Switch which lets you make custom articles for the News applet? I suppose that such a thing would need more work because of stuff like images or app/applet-launching buttons being possible in these articles or the channels being a thing, but I think that it could work.

In fact, I think that the News applet...

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Source: https://gbatemp.net/threads/homebrew-fo ... et.637616/
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