Warframe isn't getting a samurai frame, yet

PC, Mac and Linux games, also known as computer games, are video games played on a personal computer. From the mid-90s onward they lost mass-market traction to console games before a resurgence in the mid-2000s through digital distribution.

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Bustin' Moves
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Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:00 pm

Warframe isn't getting a samurai frame, yet

Post by Valve »

If there's one thing I've secretly always wanted, it's a samurai Warframe. In a game renowned for fast-paced action and cutting-edge style (pun entirely intended), the samurai archetype fits like a glove - especially because the game's poster child, Excalibur, is indeed a sword user. However, it looks like a Japanese-inspired Warframe isn't in the works at the moment, but a few others are.

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The new Warframe is here, and he's perfect
Warframe overtakes Counter-Strike 2 as Steam's top-selling game
Warframe reopens cross save for everyone, but you'll need to hurry

Source: https://store.steampowered.com/news/gro ... 3970259179
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