Picofly Switch Lite missing ribbon cable?

[Released: 2017] The Switch is considered by Nintendo as a "hybrid" console. The main console unit connects to a television and can be removed from the dock and can function similar to a tablet through its LCD touchscreen. The system is region free.

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Picofly Switch Lite missing ribbon cable?

Post by GBAtemp »

When browsing vendors selling a Picofly for the Switch Lite, all the vendors do not show the ribbon cable with the SP1 and SP2 solder points that belongs under the CPU. This is still a vital part, why is it missing in the Lite variants? When looking installation videos on youtube, you can even see these cables marked with "Lite". Do they include this cable, although it's not shown on the photos or is it missing on purpose?

Source: https://gbatemp.net/threads/picofly-swi ... le.646841/
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