25 years later, I finally beat Bigs the Cat

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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25 years later, I finally beat Bigs the Cat

Post by /dreamcast »

*Big (I always call him Bigs and feel like I will never learn)

The entire reason I didn't beat Sonic Adventure originally was Big the Cat. I hated that whole storyline so much, and I didn't get the controls at all. I would get so unbelievably frustrated. I love this game, but that damn cat haunts me.

Fast forward to today, my 7 (almost 8) year old is obsessed with the Dreamcast. We are on a quest to beat the game together and having a blast. I tried to go into Big's gameplay with an open mind. I am a mature adult now, my tastes have changed, I am smarter, maybe I will enjoy it this time!

Well, I still hated it. I still didn't get it. It wasn't clicking for me. Googled around and still couldn't figure it out (most people are playing ports I guess.) I was ready to give up, but I know my kid really, really wants to beat this game.

I kept seeing people talk about the tutorial. I was so confused. Tutorial? What tutorial? That must be included in the ports, right, I don't ever remember there being a tutorial.

Of course, there are instructions in the DC version, I just never paid attention 😩 it felt like I had been driving around for days refusing to stop for directions, and then once I did it turns out the place was up the street. Beat his storyline in less than an hour with cutscenes. I feel so silly lmao. His game play is extremely easy.

Now I feel like I might be able to stomach his gameplay enough to do full completionist on it. I still don't love the gameplay, but it's a lot more fun now that I actually understand it lmao
submitted by /u/FakeNavyDavey
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/dreamcast/comm ... s_the_cat/
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