Portal Revolution is so good it makes me miss the old Valve

PC, Mac and Linux games, also known as computer games, are video games played on a personal computer. From the mid-90s onward they lost mass-market traction to console games before a resurgence in the mid-2000s through digital distribution.

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Portal Revolution is so good it makes me miss the old Valve

Post by PCGamesN »


Portal fans were eating well for a while. The first game, which introduced portals as a puzzle-solving concept, launched in 2007 to much acclaim and was followed three years later by the equally beloved Portal 2. This expansive sequel added a lengthy co-op mode, new mechanics, and an intriguing continuation of the Aperture Science mystery. Aside from the very brief Peer Review co-op DLC, the excellent Bridge Constructor Portal, and appearances in the likes of Aperture Desk Job for the Steam Deck, there has been little else Portal-wise for us to feast on.
Continue reading Portal Revolution is so good it makes me miss the old Valve MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best old games, Best FPS games, Best co-op games

Source: https://www.pcgamesn.com/portal-revolution/portal-3
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