Smite 2 won’t bring old skins over because it would take “246 years”

PC, Mac and Linux games, also known as computer games, are video games played on a personal computer. From the mid-90s onward they lost mass-market traction to console games before a resurgence in the mid-2000s through digital distribution.

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Smite 2 won’t bring old skins over because it would take “246 years”

Post by PCGamesN »


Smite 2 is certainly exciting for anyone who’s enjoyed the long-running MOBA, but unfortunately there’s a bit of bad news for players who have invested heavily into the first game. As it announces its sequel to take on the titans of League of Legends and Dota 2, developer Titan Forge confirms that your Smite skins from the original won’t be making it over - although the team does have a way to compensate you for them.
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