Pi Connects to Network but Internet isn’t working

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Pi Connects to Network but Internet isn’t working

Post by /RaspberryPi »

So i got my raspberry pi 4b a couple months back, and originally to test it out i had it running just normal default raspberry pi os 64 but straight from the imager. Everything on it worked fine, most importantly the internet. Then once i had it for a few days i switched it over to running Octoprint. That is the job that it kept doing for a couple months and everything still worked fine. Just recently, however i got myself a Pi Zero 2 W to replace my Pi 4B as an octoprint machine. All i did was swap over the octoprint micro sd card from the 4B to the Zero and everything worked great on the Pi Zero no problems anywhere. Now, however, since my Pi 4B was free again, i decided to put a new fresh installation of Raspberry Pi OS on it. When i did, i noticed that, although my raspberry pi was connecting to my network like it was supposed to, if i tried to download anything or use chromium it would tell me i didn’t have internet. To fix this i tried plugging it in with an ethernet cable, nothing changed. Still connected to my network, still no internet. I’ve tried many things and done a lot of research on how to fix this but i can’t find anything helpful. I even tried switching OS’s entirely and putting Ubuntu on it and it had the same exact problem. I am able to SSH into the Pi whether it’s connected through ethernet or wifi, so it is definitely connecting to my network properly, i just don’t know why it’s not getting an internet connection. Please help. If anyone needs any more information or logs of some kind please just ask i really want my pi to just work again
submitted by /u/Bestes06
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/c ... t_working/
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