Jet Set Radio images as . bin files?

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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Jet Set Radio images as . bin files?

Post by /dreamcast »


So I've been ripping the files from a "special" copy of Jet Set Radio for the Dreamcast, and wondering how I'd go about nabbing the graffiti from the game. Currently, I have opened up the .AFS archive that the graffiti is inside and have direct access to their files, but the problem is that the graffiti images are stored as .bin files.

When opening these text files, the image is stored as plain text (occasionally corrupt in some form but 80% of them are visually still there.) I've tried editing the text and repacking everything into a .gdi file, but the game didn't display colour changes, instead making the affected areas transparent.

I believe that each character represents a pixel in the image, but I'm not certain. Is there a known way I can convert these .bin files back to traditional images, or would I need to look into this more?

(Might be the wrong subreddit for this)
submitted by /u/JammyChoo2007
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Source: ... bin_files/
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