Baldur’s Gate 3 has been wonderful for my less game savvy parents.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 has been wonderful for my less game savvy parents.

Post by /xbox »

My parents used to play more video games when I was a kid, some of my earliest Christmas memories are playing slayer against my parents in Halo CE, we always had a blast.

Over the years, they each stopped playing console games as much. My mom stopped because she had issues with motion sickness from first person games, and my dad because he’s had some injuries that hurt his fine motor skills.

Both of the showed new interest in gaming this year because they have retired & due to various physical limitations, they do not have many options to spend their time.

My dad used to love call of duty campaigns (stereotypical WW2 documentary dad), so I tried setting him up with the games he missed. He had fun, but they were very frustrating due to his physical limitations.

My mom got hooked on some mobile RPG games that are just set up to suck every dollar out of your pocket.

This Christmas I read up about Baldur’s Gate 3 and took a shot, buying it for them to play.

It is the perfect game for them. They get the freedom, adventure, and fun that they missed. The turn based combat is perfect for them, they can take some time to figure out their next move. And best of all, it has couch co-op.

So far, they have plugged in 20+ hours in the game and they’re loving it.

Just wanted to share this gaming success story, and maybe receive some recommendations for games like this.

Happy Holidays!
submitted by /u/Mr-Steve-O
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Source: ... r_my_less/
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