What can i do with a Wii in 2023 beside playing games?

[Released: 2006] Along with early models being fully backward compatible with all Gamecube games, the system introduced the "Wii Remote" which added a physical side. The Wii has sold 100.04 million consoles worldwide.

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What can i do with a Wii in 2023 beside playing games?

Post by /Wii »


Im sorry if this sound a bit dumb, but basically i got myself a Wii a few years ago because i had an urge to play a bit of railgun games. I barely touch the thing in years tough as its in the living room on the familly TV and its rarely possible to play there. But recently got myself a second TV for my bedroom (basically i have one tv in my gaming room, and now one in my bedroom + the one in the living room wich is not really for me).

So im thinking of plugging it there and obviously i have a few games to play on it, but i was wondering what else can i do? I seen Jacob R video where he bough tons of old consoles at Goodwill and explore them, and sometimes they have stuff on them. But from my understanding its mostly stuff i can't do anymore since there is no online capability right?

Basically there is no legit way to get digital games? Is there any things i can do with it regarding data, music or whatever? I realized at some point it can't even play DVDs (wich is so weird since it use a DVD drive... wtf)

Mine play GC and Wii so there is that wich is not bad, its a 2 console in one, but beside that im curious to know what i can do with it without doing "illegal things".

Oh and i bough mine at a Pawn Shop and either they reseted it to factory setting or previous owner did, but there was litterally nothing on it.
submitted by /u/DestroWOD
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/wii/comments/1 ... e_playing/
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