"best" way to play Jet Set/Grind Radio and/or Crazy Taxi?

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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"best" way to play Jet Set/Grind Radio and/or Crazy Taxi?

Post by /dreamcast »

I admire everyone playin' their original Dreamcast on a CRT TV.
I respect y'all who can build a modern FrankenCast for your widescreen.

What if I really just wanna play Jet Grind Radio & Crazy Taxi over a long weekend? Would they be as fun as they were twenty years ago? What's the easiest way to get a similar experience to those two classics?

In my house, we have an XBOX360, a PS4 and a Nintendo Switch. We have an old MacBook and a modern "gaming rig" PC. But the mystery box??? I think my DreamCast is in a box in the attic (for the last 15 Florida summers).

What's the cheap & easy way (even if it's "not the same") to get those games again?


submitted by /u/OldGuyInFlorida
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/dreamcast/comm ... dor_crazy/
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