Newbie issue regarding GDEMU.

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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Newbie issue regarding GDEMU.

Post by /dreamcast »

Hey all! I'm gonna try to make this post as straight to the point as possible and hope that someone could help me find a solution to my issue as I've been struggling with it for many hours now.

So I decided to take a dive and get a GDEMU so I could have a large library of Dreamcast games to enjoy without the latency of emulators. The Dreamcast I modded has been with me for many years and has never had issues playing the 4 games that I own.

Today I received all of the of the parts for the modification. Here are two links ( ( to the parts that I got for reference. I am using a 256GB Sandisk Ultra micro SD card with a Sandsik adapter so I don't think that is the issue... But I genuinely don't know.

To the problem: I used a tutorial ( to set everything up. the modification process went smoothly... until I started adding roms the way the video showed me how to do it... which was just dragging and dropping the roms into folders numbered "02", "03", and so on. Doing this resulted in all of the games showing up as "unsupported disc / empty folder". After a bit of research I found that using the gdemu sd card maker software would help speed up this process. so I tried it and it worked! games were showing up as playable on the dreamcast.

After adding around 20-30 roms I had a bit of issues with Bangai-O when testing to make sure it worked, so I decided to boot up each rom I had thusfar to make sure there were no glaring issues. Everything was fine until I booted up "Centipede" which had froze on a grey screen before any company logos/title screens had shown up. I had waited a few minutes but it didn't seem like it was going to do anything (inputs on the controller was not working as well) so I hit the power button to give it a reset by turning it off and back on again... wrong move apparently. The Dreamcast reset to the "Dreamcast" bootup screen and froze, making a pretty high pitched noise.

The next two hours has consisted of me looking for anyone online who has had this exact issue and maybe a fix, as well as removing the GDEMU and replacing the disc drive and hardly ever seeing the Dreamcast logo again... Just a black screen. Sometimes I do see the white screen before the Dreamcast logo, but it only drops the first orange dot and the word "Dreamcast" doesn't even have a chance to show up before it freezes.

Does anyone seem to know what's going on here? I'm not super advanced as far as modding goes. I've done basic mods like softmodding a Wii and the PS2 hard drive mod (to be fair this is also considered an easy mod but I guess I screwed something up somehow?)

A few things I've done:

- as mentioned prior, I have put the disc drive back in and tried booting a game. no luck. the disc does spin so I assume it isn't the connector.

- the fan is spinning, the red light is turning on at the front of the dreamcast to show it's getting power, I've inspected the cables and motherboard to see if anything was damaged during installation but I see no issues, and I sprayed a bit of electronic cleaning duster to get a tiny bit of dust out, as well as used a Q-Tip with 91% rubbing alcohol to try cleaning any extra dust or dirt up.

- I've put the SD card back into my PC and nothing on it is corrupted.

I have a bad feeling that my Dreamcast has been bricked. But I'm hoping to get input from more educated and experienced users on this. Any advice, recommendations, tips, or help would be greatly appreciated. I'd hate for this to be the end of my Dreamcast.

Thank you in advance!
submitted by /u/TheDemonKingdra
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Source: ... ing_gdemu/
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