No longer able to VNC into Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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No longer able to VNC into Pi

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I recently had to reimaged one of my Raspberry Pi's, I run my Pi's in Kiosk Mode and went through and set it up like I normally would. It's a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B running the latest version of Debian 12 Bookworm. I know Bookworm went away from X11 to Wayland, but I use RealVNC and don't have the ability to switch from RealVNC to something like TigerVNC (or whatever VNC Wayland uses) due to the number of devices we have that uses RealVNC (both Pi's and non-Pi's) it's just not reasonable for us at the moment. I have changed to X11 backend in raspi-config and was able to VNC into my Pi in testing and after deployment. I run this exact setup with the same version of Raspbian with the same model Pi's on at least 6 other Pi's with no issue.

Today this Pi had an issue with the Chromium Kiosk I am running, normally I just VNC into it and reboot. However, I wasn't able to connect via RealVNC this isn't too uncommon if I have a kiosk issue as it could have been a network issue, so I went to it and shut it down safely to bring back to the office to fix the kiosk issue. After redeploying the Pi, and it was running correctly I went back to my office and worked on wherever else. A little later I went to add a cronjob for the kiosk mode, however I wasn't able to VNC into Pi. It's not a network issue as I am able to ping it and I can SSH into it, VNC is enabled and RealVNC is enabled and running checking via SSH and confirmed this again after going to the Pi to verify this.

I'm not sure that the issue is as I'm not having this issue with my other Pi's. I need to be able to VNC into it to verify media changes in kiosk mode or to help troubleshoot problems remotely. SSH is good enough to do reboots and some other stuff but it's not a long-term solution for us. Is there something I am missing? Happy to provide more information upon requestion. Thank you in advance.
submitted by /u/IT_Buddha_
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Source: ... c_into_pi/
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